Police Shut Down High-Yield Speed Labs

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "New Warsaw Express"

Poland's FBI equivalent, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBS), hit the country's booming wholesale drug industry over the weekend of Jan. 16-18, shutting down three facilities producing speed for Warsaw's suburban markets. The raids yielded more than 5 kg of pure amphetamine powder and five arrests.
The raids began on Friday night in the capital's Stare Babice suburb, where officials found laboratory equipment as well as several hundred litres of ingredients and 2 kg of actual speed. Officers detained two men and two women in the raid and information found in the house led officials on to an abandoned greenhouse in the town of Rozana, 100 kilometres north of Warsaw, where they found seven full amphetamine production lines. A resulting third raid in Grodzisk Mazowiecki yielded another arrest and a portable production facility found mounted inside a small van.
Poland is one of Western Europe's main suppliers of illegal amphetamines in an industry worth billions of euros annually. Officers said the lab in Rozana alone had pushed out around half a tonne in the last six months. On western markets, a kilo of pure amphetamines has an average street value of around $50,000.


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