Our Lady of the Mob

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "New Warsaw Express"

Late last week police arrested a dozen leaders of the Christian Church of the Preachers of the Good News, which prosecutors allege was a money-laundering front for an offshoot of the Pruszkow mafia, one of Poland?s most notorious criminal gangs.
The church was founded in 1995, and the daily Gazeta Wyborcza reports that for several years it has been used to sell cars ? taking advantage of a tax exemption for religious organisations ? and organise Polish residency for Vietnamese ?consultants?.
Police have expressed an interest in talking with 41 of the church?s 58 leaders, who apparently came up with the idea while imprisoned with a priest who was doing time for financial crimes.
The church claims to have 5,600 members, but is registered in an apartment in Bemowo.

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